Friday, May 04, 2007

Genteeee, eu tô quase fechando com aquela family da Virginia. Olha só o e-mail que me mandaram hj, muito fofos eles. !

Hi, Rebeca! I'm so glad to hear from you!! I did not receive your last message, and was wondering if you had already found another family. We are still VERY interested in hearing more about you. :o) Greg and I were both impressed with your polished letter -- you seem to know English very well -- and your bubbly personality.
OK, so..... We have spoken with our placement coordinator at Cultural Care. We have asked her to place your file in our family folder as soon as it becomes available. They will alert both of us that this has happened -- I think you will get an email from them telling them that theyhave matched you -- and then we will call you by telephone to have at least one in-person interview. If we need to speak more than once, we can. After that, you will have an opportunity to tell the agency if you want to match with us, or if you would prefer to keep searching. I hope you say yes!

You know, this whole thing is a little bit like dating, or going to a bigdance, hoping someone will pick you, but being a little afraid that you will be left standing by the wall with no partner. I find it very stressful!

While we wait for them to get to us, tell me how things are with you in Brazil. It is autumn there, right? Is it getting cooler? We are finallygetting warm weather here, and I am so excited to be able to wear shortsleeves and work in my garden. I love the winter and the snow, but I amalways glad to see the sun again.
I hope you are well.


Cooler here??? Só se for na minha geladeira, pq o Ceará continua mais e mais quente! Affffff
Vamos ver o que vai dar. Gostei muito da família, mas não vou fazer altos planos como fiz da outra vez e quebrei a carinha...
Vou dar uma sumida esse findi pois vou viajar!!!! ÊÊÊÊ!!! Vou pra Aracati with my family, comemorar my mom's birthday. E o mais legal é que vou sozinha de bus, pense na aventura! hahaha
Vou me despedindo agora, até breve!!!
Continuem orando por mim! Bjus!

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